개발 공부
Lecture 2 | Image Classification 본문
#Image Classification : core task in Computer Vision
-the problem : Semantic Gap
: Viewpoint variation - all pixels change when the camera moves
: Illumination - 명암
: Deformation - 다양한 포즈
: Occlusion - 부분만 보이는 경우
: Background Clutter - 배경
: Intraclass variation - 여러 종류의 형태로 존재
#An Image Classifier
-Data-Driven Approach
1. Collect a dataset of images and labels
2. Use Machine Learning to train a classifier
3. Evaluate the classifier on new images
#Nearest Neighbor
-train : Memorize all data and labels
-predict : Predict the label of the most similar training image
#K-Nearest Neighbor
- Instead of copying label from nearest neighbor, take majority vote form K closest points.
- fast train, slow test
-Distance Metric
: L1(Manhattan) distance
: L2(Euclidean) distance
-Hyperparameter : Distance metric and K
:Cross-Validation : Split data into folds, try each fold as validation and average the results
: Useful for small datasets, but not used too frequently in deep learning
-k-Nearest Neighbor on images never used.
:Very slow at test time
: Distance metrics on pixels are not informative
: Curse of dimensionality
#Linear Classification
-(one of )Parametric model
-f(x, W) : x = input data, W = parameters or weights -> return 10 class scores
-bias : constant vector of 10 elements that does not interact with the training and instead just gives us some data independent preferences for some classes over another.
: if dataset is unbalanced, and has many more cats than dogs for example, then the bias element corresponding to cat will be higher than the other ones.
-Hard cases for a linear classifier
: parity problem - 1과 0으로 성립된 수열에 있어서, 1의 개수의 짝,홀을 나타내는 말. 그 개수가 짝수일 때 패리티는 0, 홀수일 때 패리티는 1이라고 함.
: multi-model situation
Assignment 1
-K-Nearest Neighbor
-Linear classifiers: SVM, Softmax
-Two-layer neural network
-Image features
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